Deaf Pilots Association, Inc. Bylaws
Revised and approved by the DPA Board, August 2019.
Revised and approved by the IDPA/DPA Restructuring Committee at the meeting in Dayton, Ohio, on April 6, 2002.
Amended by the DPA General Membership in Dayton, Ohio, on July 17, 2003, Newnan, Georgia, on July 15, 2004, and South Sioux City, Nebraska on July 6, 2006.
Article I – NAME
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the DEAF PILOTS ASSOCIATION, Inc.
Section 1.
The objective of this Association is to protect and promote the rights of deaf and hard of hearing pilots and student pilots; to educate the public about this existing organization; and to become a contacting organization regarding the educational potentials of deaf and hard of hearing student pilots.
Section 2.
It is the intent of the Deaf Pilots Association to comply with all state and federal laws, which apply to a non-profit organization, as defined in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
Section 1.
Any deaf or hard of hearing pilot or student pilot may become an Active Member of the Association upon payment of membership dues as specified in Article IV.
Section 2.
Associate Membership may be extended to any person who is not eligible for Active Membership as defined in this Article. Such persons, upon payment of membership dues as specified in Article IV, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of active membership other than the right to hold offices in the Association and to vote.
Section 3.
Lifetime Membership may be extended to any person who donates $300 or more to DPA paid at any one time. The rights and privileges of a Lifetime Member will be the same as an Active Member unless they do not qualify (they are not a deaf/hard-of-hearing pilot or student pilot), then they will be the equivalent of an Associate Member. Lifetime Members will also receive special recognition on DPA’s online platforms as well as at all bi-annual fly ins.
Section 4.
For purposes of Active Membership under Section 1 in this Article, a pilot is defined as one having any type of pilot certificate issued by the United States of America Federal Aviation Administration. Student pilots shall show evidence of ground school attendance or flight training upon request.
Section 1.
The ACTIVE membership dues of the Association shall be no less than $35 per year, due annually.
Section 2.
The ASSOCIATE membership dues of the Association shall be no less than $25 per year, due annually.
Section 3.
The LIFETIME membership shall be awarded to a person who makes a donation of $300 or more paid at any one time.
Section 4.
Membership dues can be changed via board decision and must be clearly and publicly announced to the Organization’s members.
Article V – OFFICERS
Section 1.
The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and two (2) Directors.
Section 2.
The Board of the Association shall be composed solely of the Officers of the Association.
Section 3.
The Officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot either online OR at a general membership meeting held during a Fly-in gathering of the Association. At least 50% of current Active Members must be present to perform the election at a fly-in event. If 50% of current Active members are not present, the election shall take place online. The online voting session shall be completed no sooner than June 1st and no later than August 31st. The Officers shall hold office from the conclusion of the Fly-in or the online voting session until the next voting session occurring on an even-numbered year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Section 4.
No person shall hold office if he or she is not an Active Member in good standing, and no person shall hold more than one office at a time, with the exception of Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer may be combined into a single-person role if the board deems the person fit for both duties.
Section 5.
The board may internally dismiss and subsequently nominate a replacement board member if any board member is not performing his/her duties satisfactorily.
Section 6.
All Officers of the Association shall not be paid any fees for their service to the Association.
Section 1.
The President of the Association shall preside at all Board and general membership meetings of the Association and at any special meetings as deemed necessary. He or she shall have the power to form a new committee as deemed necessary.
Section 2.
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. He or she shall also have such duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.
The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all Board and general membership meetings of the Association and any special meetings as deemed necessary.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall receive monies coming to the Association from all sources. He or she shall keep a minute account of all monies received and give receipts for the same and make a report on the state of finances of the Association at the general membership meeting. He or she shall pay no bills unless approved by the President. He or she shall keep special funds in separate accounts. He or she (or a person designated by the Treasurer) shall maintain the official membership roster of the Association.
Section 5.
The Directors shall represent the general membership at all meetings of the Board, and shall assist other officers as necessary. The Director(s) will also be primarily responsible for monitoring and maintaining DPA’s social media and website.
Section 1.
All candidates for Officers of the Association shall be Active Members in good standing.
Section 2.
Nominations shall be made from the floor at the general membership meeting, or from an official call for nominations made online to members via social media, through email and/or the website. Candidates may also be placed into the running by any current board member.
Section 3.
Board members are not required to be current pilots, but must provide verification of current and active participation in the aviation community in any regard.
Section 4.
Board members are required to be deaf, hard of hearing, or have any sort of natural hearing loss, and are required to be fluent in sign language.
Section 1.
All membership dues shall go into the General Operating Fund.
Section 2.
The Association shall solicit and manage funds for a Scholarship Fund to support deaf and hard of hearing aviators in the United States of America.
Article IX – FLY-INS
Section 1.
There shall be a national Fly-in bi-annually on even-numbered years at a location as provided in Section 2 of this Article, to which all members, prospective members, guests, and other interested parties are invited. Additional smaller, regional fly-ins will be encouraged among local pilot populations, and will be endorsed and supported by DPA as deemed appropriate by the board.
Section 2.
At each bi-annual Fly-in, the location of the next bi-annual Fly-in in two years hence shall be determined by majority vote of the attending Active Members in good standing at the Fly-in, and shall also include votes taken online via website and social media. Call-in/text-in votes will also be accepted as well.
Section 3.
The Fly-in Chair shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the Fly-in that he or she is hosting. He or she shall appoint a Fly-in Committee to assist in making these arrangements.
Section 4.
The Fly-in Chair shall review the location, dates, arrangements, and schedule of activities of the Fly-in with the Fly-in Coordinator of the International Deaf Pilots Association.
Section 5.
The Fly-in Chair may make funding requests to assist with obtaining event location reservations, dining arrangements, services related to the fly-in, or any other expense deemed appropriate by the board. All expenses must be recorded/receipted and submitted to the board immediately. All funding requests and grants will be recorded and a use-of funds agreement will be documented before releasing any funds to the Chair.
Section 6.
The Fly-In Chair shall make every effort to secure sponsorships and donations for the fly-in event. He shall request assistance from the board on these matters as necessary. Funds from these donations can and shall be added to the funding described in Section 5 of this Article, if any such funding was provided. The Chair must also attempt to obtain discounted/block lodging, if possible, to make available to members.
Section 7.
Any and all funds that are in excess of the expenses of the fly-in shall be recorded and submitted to the DPA Treasurer within 30 days of the conclusion of the fly-in
Section 1.
If there are at least 25% of the current Active Members attending the fly-in, there shall be a general membership meeting annually on any day during the Fly-in. The purpose of the general membership meeting shall be to elect officers, receive annual reports, and conduct any other business that may arise. The meeting shall be transmitted live via Facebook or other means to make the meeting available to watch for anyone who is unable to attend the fly-in. If it cannot be transmitted live, attempt shall be made to make a video recording of the meeting.
Section 2.
Special membership meetings may be held at any time upon the call of the Board or by written petition of at least ten (10) Active Members in good standing. The purpose of the special membership meeting shall be set forth in the notice.
Section 3.
At least 25% of current Active Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business during general and special membership meetings.
Section 4.
Active Members in good standing, who cannot attend a general or special membership meeting, may vote instead by an online voting system, via phone, text, email, or any other method available to the member.
Section 5.
There shall be a Board meeting annually on the day or evening before the beginning of the Fly-in. If the entire board is unable to attend, this meeting may take place at any time in the week leading up to the fly-in via online methods.
Section 6.
Special Board meetings may be called at any time by the President.
Section 7.
In any time interval between regular meetings of the Board, the Board may take action by exchange of written communication in any medium, electronic or otherwise.
Section 1.
The Association shall have an official publication that is sent to all members in good standing at least two (2) times a year. This can be done via website or email.
Section 2.
An Editor shall be appointed by the President. The Editor shall not be paid any fees for his or her service to the Association.
Section 3.
All policies of the official publication shall be consistent with the aims and objectives of the Association.
Section 4.
The board shall maintain an active website and shall have at least one social media platform actively maintained.
Section 1.
These Bylaws may be amended by three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast at any general membership meeting or via obtaining online votes by a specified deadline.
Section 2.
Amendments in writing may be proposed from the floor at the general membership meeting, or may be presented online on DPA’s website and/or social media platforms. Motions to suspend temporarily any portion of the Bylaws, except the provisions of this Article, may be made at any time during the general membership meeting, and such motions must be affirmed by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
Section 1.
This Association may be dissolved by three-fourths (3/4) of those members voting at a general or special membership meeting. Should it be voted to dissolve, all funds and assets in addition to monies received in liquidation of assets shall be placed in trust for the purpose of providing educational scholarships to deaf or hard of hearing students in the field of aviation at an institution of higher learning. Placement of these monies must also be voted on by three-fourths (3/4) of those members voting at a general or special membership meeting.
Article XIV – RULES
Section 1.
The standard of parliamentary authority of the Association in all matters not already provided for in these Bylaws shall be Robert’s Rules of Order.