Hello again to all of you, from each of us behind the organization of this year’s coming fly-in!!! Hope life has been treating you kind and 2024 is cruising along great with minimal turbulence!
We’re happy to provide you with important updates and additional information so that you can begin to plan to participate this year! As you probably have noticed, we're now only hosting fly-ins every two years. The next fly-in after this July, will not be until 2026. So if you can help it, you don't want to miss this one coming up in the summer! We will be celebrating our 30th anniversary!!
We are officially hosting the 2024 fly-in beginning on Wednesday, July 17, and concluding on the morning of Sunday, July 21st. A board meeting on Sunday the 21st is optional with the new board.
Location of the Fly-in
The fly-in will be at Danville, Kentucky's Stuart Powell Field (KDVK) just 88 miles southeast of Louisville (KSDF), and 41 miles southwest from Lexington (KLEX). You could also see about driving south from Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International (KCVG) which is about 123 miles, or Nashville (KBNA) which is about 193 miles northeast towards Danville.
Flight School/FBO Services
Wings Flight Training is looking forward to being your friendly host FBO and supporting you with all of our aviation needs during your stay there.
***UPDATED INFOS for reserving your aircraft: Please send your rental reservation requests to dale@wingsflighttraining.com and "cc" to adrian@wingsflighttraining.com
Pilots, please check our FBO FAQ page before contacting Wings Flight Training with your questions.
That said, here are additional information you may want to be aware of….
Airline Services
There are four area airports available for those who are considering arriving by airlines:
Of these four airports, Lexington is the closest (41 miles), followed by Louisville (88 miles).
Car Rental
All four airports also have various car rental companies for your car rental needs. You can Google search the different rental companies and decide which one best fits what you are looking for.
We went in person and checked out these three hotels. Of the three, Holiday Inn seemed the most "Deaf friendly". They agree to block off 15 rooms (1 to 4 people per room) until July 1st, 2024. (which means on July 2, 2024, the hotel room price will return to normal)
**Note** If you can get a roommate, you can split the cost of the room.
Option 1: Both Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express are under the same contact person and same price per room, per night ($159 - until 7/1/24) Be sure and mention "Deaf Pilot" event to get this price.
Contact person: Jazmyn Hubbard
Cell / Text: 859-516-4720
Email: jwhubbard@mkpmanagement.com
(this is specifically for Holiday Inn Express where most of us are staying)
https://www.hiexpress.com/redirect?path=hd&brandCode=EX&localeCode=en®ionCode=1&hotelCode=DVVEX&_PMID=99801505&GPC=DPA&cn=no&viewfullsite=true (click link > scroll to check-in and checkout boxes > add in dates you want within date range of 7/15-22/24 > click search > click room type with 2 queens > finish booking with your information and card info)
Option 2: Quality Inn. No contact person named. $100 per room, per night. Be sure and mention "Deaf Pilot" event to get this price.
Phone: 859-236-8600
Tentative Schedule
Sunday thru Tuesday (7/14-16) Early arrivals for aircraft checkouts (Strongly encouraged!)
Wednesday - (7/17) Morning aircraft checkouts/ Afternoon Fly-out
Thursday - (7/18) Safety Seminar*/Fly-outs
Friday (7/19) - Safety Seminar*/Fly-outs /General Meeting
Saturday (7/20) - Community Picnic/Outreach/Rides/Election/ DPA Banquet
Sunday (7/21) - Goodbye breakfast for all attendees / Board Meeting for New Board Members
*Safety Seminars will be interpreted and/or presented in ASL by hearing and/or Deaf pilots and instructors. FAA Wings Seminar credit may be available.
Fly-out Destinations (Tentative)
64I (Six Four India) - Lee Bottom Flying Field
Grass Field. Picnic anyone? (71nm NW)
8GK (Eight Golf Kilo) - Gallatin County Airport
BRAND NEW Airport - Opened on April 2023. NASCAR Racing Experience (67nm N)
I69 (India Six Niner) - Clermont County Airport
Sporty's Pilot Shop / Tri-State Warbird Museum Saturday Cookouts (94nm NE)
DKX (Delta Kilo X-Ray) - Knoxville Downtown Island Airport
Founding location of the Deaf Pilots Association. Tennessee School for the Deaf. (106nm SE)
SJS (Sierra Juliet Sierra) - Big Sandy Regional (102nm E)
2I3 (Two India Tree) - Rough River State Park (83nm W)
Grayson's Landing
I41 (India Four One) - Robert Newlon Field (128nm NE)
Fly In Cafe (BBQ and Seafood) next to grass/turf runway
These are currently a rough idea of the different fly-out destinations available around Danville, KY...we are still researching into more flying destination options. Destinations are subject to change according to weather conditions.
Please sign up and register for our event! We look forward to seeing you in July!
Who can come?
Anyone! Hearing, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, those with Cochlear Implants, Pilots, Non-pilots, Aspiring Pilots, Family/Friend of Pilots, Aircraft Mechanics, etc.! We only ask you be willing to learn or communicate with other fly-in attendees using sign language.
